01622 392 000 info@invicta.law

Freedom of Information

Invicta Law Freedom of Information Request Log

Reference Request Request Outcome

Please confirm the following:

  1. Is KCC the main shareholder in Invicta Law?
  2. Is KCC the sole shareholder in Invicta Law?
  3. What influence does KCC have over the day-to-day running of Invicta Law?
  4. Who has the final say in a matter of conflict between KCC and Invicta Law?
  5. Has Invicta Law provided or hosted any events, seminars conferences etc. that have been attended by KCC employees and/or Kent Police?
  6. If yes to q5, can further details be provided please?
  •  Six further questions asking whether Invicta Law is providing or has provided services to four organisations.
Questions 1-4: information provided in full. Questions 5-6: information provided in part as appropriate. Six further questions: information held but exempt – can neither confirm nor deny.

To raise a Freedom of Information request or to view a previous request in full alongside our response, please contact us on 01622 392000 or by email at info@invicta.law.