01622 392 000 info@invicta.law

Our people

A strong belief in public service runs deep through Invicta Law. This dedication drives our teams of lawyers, specialists in public law. We deliver efficient quality legal services in a sensitive, client-centric way.

Kathryn Kember

Profile Photo of Kam Singh
Senior Solicitor

I studied Philosophy at Durham University before converting to Law. In December 2015 I started working as an Adult Social Welfare Legal Assistant before commencing my Legal Practice Course for which I received a distinction.

Upon qualification in 2020, I remained within the Community Care group and currently specialise in Court of Protection matters and Inquests.

I enjoy undertaking my own advocacy where possible, and particularly enjoy the challenges of high risk and complex cases within the Court of Protection.

Outside of work I am an enthusiastic gardener, actor and now director within my local amateur dramatic society.

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