01622 392 000 info@invicta.law

Our people

A strong belief in public service runs deep through Invicta Law. This dedication drives our teams of lawyers, specialists in public law. We deliver efficient quality legal services in a sensitive, client-centric way.

Ruth Shakespeare

Profile Photo of Kam Singh
Senior Legal Cashier

Ruth has been a legal cashier in private practice since 2006 and with Invicta Law since its inception in 2017.

Leading the small cashiering team at Invicta who are responsible for ensuring the company are compliant with the SAR rules.  Ruth is committed to ensuring client money is protected and supporting internal teams with all things finance and finance system related, including training.  Providing support to the Financial Accountant and COFA to enable the smooth running of the finances.

Ruth leads the annual SAR Audit and is Invicta Law’s investors in people champion. Ruth is also a Mental Health First Aider.

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