01622 392 000 info@invicta.law

Our people

A strong belief in public service runs deep through Invicta Law. This dedication drives our teams of lawyers, specialists in public law. We deliver efficient quality legal services in a sensitive, client-centric way.

Kerry Short

Profile Photo of Kam Singh

Head of Community Care

I lead the Community Care team, looking after areas such as mental health, mental capacity, adult safeguarding, inquests, ordinary residence, community care.

I have worked in this area for over 10 years and understand that one of the greatest concerns for clients is dealing with solicitors and the courts. My approach is to combine my own experience as a solicitor with my understanding of the area and the need to advise in plain English and think around each problem to consider potential issues, both legal and non-legal in order to best support each client.

I particularly enjoy the fact that no day at Invicta Law is the same and each day can present a new challenge to solve.


Community Care

01622 392008

Client testimonials

This was the first time I have dealt with a matter like this and Mark was extremely helpful in explaining what was required from me. He dealt with the case in a timely manner always responding quickly to my correspondence.


Kent County Council’s 18+ service is supported by the Invicta Law asylum team providing impeccable legal advice in assisting our service to support asylum seeking care leavers in Kent.

- Leaving Care Service, Kent County COuncil.

I am really grateful for your pragmatic approach to this case and well done on achieving such an excellent result for us.

- MOnitoring Officer

Let’s work together